Work comp lawyers help injured workers get the benefits they deserve. They can handle everything from medical evaluations to filing appeals and even representing you in a trial. The law in this field is complex and varies significantly from state to state, so you need an attorney with extensive knowledge of the laws in your area.
If you suffer an injury or illness on the job, you must report it to your employer within 30 days (for accidents that happen at a specific time) or two years for occupational diseases. Your employer may then deny your claim or dispute the extent of your injury.

Workers’ compensation attorneys can help you gather the right documentation and submit it on time to avoid any delays. They also know how to negotiate with insurance companies and ensure you get a fair settlement. If you and the insurer cannot reach a settlement, your case will go to an administrative hearing or trial before a workers’ compensation judge. An experienced workers’ comp attorney will prepare for your testimony, conduct legal research, depose witnesses and request medical records to build a strong case.
The workers’ comp system was designed to prevent civil lawsuits, but in some cases it makes sense to pursue third-party claims. Say you are working on a construction site and a worker employed by another subcontractor causes you to be injured. In this situation, you can file a civil lawsuit against that contractor for their negligence. You can also sue an outside party if you suffered injuries from dangerous equipment or a negligent driver while on the job.
A workers’ comp lawyer can help you with any additional damages you might be entitled to, such as emotional distress, pain and suffering and loss of consortium. They can also determine if your case warrants an IME, or independent medical review, where a different doctor evaluates your condition. This is often a good idea when the treating physician disagrees with the results of your MRI or other tests.
Getting the benefits you need after a workplace injury is crucial, but it can be difficult to prove that your injuries are severe. This is especially true if you have a soft tissue injury that doesn’t show up on X-rays. A workers’ compensation attorney can ensure you are evaluated by qualified specialists who can submit compelling medical evidence to support your case. Get more information on workplace injury lawyers brisbane before you hire them!
When you work with an experienced workers’ comp attorney, you can focus on your recovery. They can also help you if your employer or their insurance company attempts to terminate, reduce or cut off your benefits. If this happens, your attorney can fight for your rights in court to protect you from financial hardship. Contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers to get started with a consultation. They represent clients with workers’ compensation claims in New York City and throughout the country. They provide free consultations and don’t charge a fee unless they recover compensation for you. To schedule a meeting, call or fill out the online form on their website.