A Friendly Guide on Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating is a clear semi-permanent auto body protection that bonds with and protects cars from UV rays, scratches, dirt, bird droppings, bug guts, and more. It’s also hydrophobic, meaning that water essentially beads up and slides off the paint surface, making it easier to wash your car. It’s also extremely durable, requiring far less maintenance than traditional waxes. It will last between 2 to 5 years before it needs to be reapplied.

Some naysayers claim that ceramic coating is a scam, but the truth is that it’s not. It’s not something that’s suitable for the average do-it-yourselfer, as the surface must be professionally prepped to ensure the best results. This process involves rigorously scrubbing the car with a clay bar, spraying it with isopropyl alcohol and buffing it with microfiber polishers. This laborious process adds up, and a ceramic coating kit costs about $500 for most vehicles.

It can be used on the full exterior of your vehicle, as well as glass, wheels, trim and the interior of the car. It is highly durable, which means that it will hold up to severe weather conditions and harsh chemicals, like road salt and sand, much better than regular waxes. It will also resist chemical stains from road grime and exhaust.

The best part is that it doesn’t just repel road grime, but actually eliminates the need for frequent cleaning. You can go far longer in between washes, and the car will still look showroom quality. Say goodbye to the unsightly splatters of mud and dirt that typically plague your car after driving off the dealership lot.

If you’re looking for an even more effective way to clean your car, try using a spray paint can of methylated spirits as a rinse. This will not only dissolve grease and oils, but it will also deodorize the interior of your vehicle. The result is a cleaner, better-smelling car that will also smell fresher.

Another reason that car ceramic coating Calgary is so popular is that it can greatly enhance your car’s appearance, as it provides a lustrous shine to the paintwork. The captivating glow produced by this coating gives your car an overall showroom quality appearance, which will catch the eye of anyone who looks at it.

In addition to the visual impact of a ceramic coating, it can also help preserve your car’s resale value. Scratches and fading from environmental damage can reduce a vehicle’s resale value, but ceramic coating will keep your paint job in pristine condition for a long time.

Ceramic coating is an excellent investment for any vehicle owner, as it will save you money in the long run by protecting your investment. If you’re thinking about getting a ceramic coating, it’s important to research the best products and companies to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck. With a little bit of research, you can find the right ceramic coating for your vehicle and enjoy a long-lasting, flawless appearance.